Mentorship Club
BCA Mentorship Club invites all students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade to join!
What is a Mentorship Club?
It is a club where BCA’s 6-12th grade students volunteer their time participating in activities with our K-5th grade students after school.
This club is like BCA’s own “Big Brother Big Sister” program to mentor the K-5th grades. Fun activities will be created by the 6-12th grades. BCA’s counselor Mr. Calkins will run this mentorship club and volunteer staff members.
Events are held twice monthly, starting in October at the BCA gym or playground (weather permitting). If your child is interested grab a schedule and a permission slip today! Please return the signed permission slip to Mr. Calkins or leave it at the front desk.
Have your child join the fun!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Calkins at 989-414-8254 or email [email protected].