Enroll Now!

2024-2025 School Year

Bay City Academy is currently enrolling new students. You can stop by our campus on Farragut Street, fill out the Online Enrollment Inquiry Form, or call or text Sarah Rice, our Enrollment Director, at 989-280-1752 or email her at rices@baycityacademy.com in order to set up an enrollment meeting and tour the campus.

If a lottery drawing is needed, names will be drawn until all available classroom positions are filled. Any remaining names will be drawn to establish waiting list priority. All applications received after the lottery are added in the order in which they are received. The lottery is drawn starting with kindergarten applications, with preference given to siblings of enrolled students.

If space is not available for siblings, they are placed at the top of the waiting list for their grade level. It is possible for siblings to move up on the waiting list ahead of other students, as it is always our desire to keep families together.

Top 10 Reasons to Enroll at Bay City Academy

  1. Learning How to Learn Through the Arts and Sciences: Bay City Academy is a tuition-free K-12 charter school created with quality in mind, with an emphasis on project-based learning and community-building. We remove the stigma of having to go to school by promoting educational development through the arts and sciences, while encouraging our students to be lifelong learners.
  2. Safe, Loved, and Learning: BCA creates a caring environment where kids feel safe, so they can learn social skills that lead to the development of a strong sense of self. A positive culture opens the door to learning, and when students respect their teachers and peers, learning happens naturally.
  3. No Problem Discipline: We have a one-size-fits-all motto: "Do the right thing, because it's the right thing to do." In developing strong relationships with our students, we are able to avoid most, if not all, discipline-related issues. Practical and inspired teaching methods also prevent students from ever asking the question, “Why are we doing this?”
  4. Brain-Based Education: Our approach is based on best practices in education, combining an understanding of the developing mind, an emphasis on character education, and effective instruction. We take a common sense approach to education, so the science behind our model is based on natural human development and how the brain learns best.
  5. Mastering Academics: BCA uses a competency-based grading system to ensure quality work. Students demonstrate their understanding of a concept before progressing to the next level. As for secondary students (7-12), classes serve as preparation for post-secondary education and the competitive world of work. Completing this high level of work boosts enthusiasm by developing practical skills through the lens of core academic values and the Michigan curriculum.
  6. Student-Teacher Relationships: Our classes are smaller than most, which allows students to develop strong relationships with teachers and peers. As a result, rooms are quieter, learning is more focused, and there is an atmosphere of mutual respect.
  7. Extraordinary Curricular Activities: Our Physical Education program focuses on developmentally appropriate activities that help coordinate body, vision, and mind. Art, music, and dance are woven into the day-to-day classroom experience as a way of complementing brain development and spatial intelligence. We offer after-school clubs, including Drama, Dance, and Gardening.
  8. Less Homework: With our school days packed with activities, projects, and instruction, we are able to teach to a greater depth, which often results in a more relaxed philosophy regarding homework. Students still receive useful homework assignments in order to strengthen essential skills, but “busy work” is not part of the equation.
  9. Uniforms: Students agree to a dress code in order to promote a unified environment of good behavior, self-respect, and discipline. At Bay City Academy, our focus is on learning and interpersonal skills. Peer-reviewed research supports this by suggesting that schools with uniform policies have fewer disciplinary problems and a greater sense of community.
  10. Additional Help: Teachers at Bay City Academy are fully committed to going above and beyond what other schools are willing to offer. After-school tutoring services are available upon request.

Post Secondary Dual Enrollment

Please review the contents of this letter with your parents. If you believe you are eligible for dual enrollment, qualify for tuition and fee support, and wish to participate, contact Darci Long via email at longd@baycityacademy.com or call at 989-293-2091.

PDF DocumentPostsecondary Eligibility Letter